Brunel 200 Masthead Montage   Acknowledgements Visitor Information Creative Bristol
Brunel 200 Masthead Montage
Education and Learning

Illustration of Brunel by Simon Gurr.

Brunel 200 Education and Learning Website

Sorry, the Education and Learning section of this website is no longer available.

Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Brunel, Bristol and the South West
Education was at the heart of Brunel 200.

Throughout the year a wide range of learning opportunities and resources were made available to encourage people to find out about and be inspired by Brunel.

The Brunel 200 education programme stimulated the curiosity of people of all ages to explore the many different sides to Brunel’s life and work, to understand his achievements and to develop their own creativity.

The programme provided formal, informal, supervised, self-directed and serendipitous learning experiences that have taken place in a range of locations – schools, universities, libraries, community centres, tourist attractions, heritage sites, exhibition and performance venues, the home and the street.

Visit the Brunel 200 Education and Learning website for downloadable resources, information on Brunel-linked places to visit and Brunel workshop providers, and a showcase of some of the events that have taken place in 2006.

Brunel in Context
The Brunel Legacy
Education and Learning
Events and Competitions
News and Discussion
Resources and Links