Political Front
During the 1830s and 1840s many parts of Europe were in revolt. The Industrial
Revolution had created a new form of conflict: class conflict between capital
and labour, as opposed to the popular radicalism of before in which the
old privileged classes were pitched against the rest of society. As more
people were able to read and had access to printed material, more were aware
of the social and political injustices, and of the individuals and organisations
looking to address them. In the growing towns and cities, thousands could
gather to hear political commentators. Schisms between different factions
meant the European revolutions usually failed but they aroused concerns
in church and government, and, in some cases, prompted a degree of reform
– as well as a degree of intensified oppression.
In Britain, the growing influence of the middle class, which included Brunel,
led to the introduction of the vote for middle class men under the First
Reform Act (1832). New electoral districts were also created to encompass
the expanding industrial regions. In 1838, a popular mass movement emerged:
Chartism. A People’s Charter was presented to Parliament demanding
the end of the property qualification for MPs, expansion of the right to
vote, a secret ballot and other political reforms. Although the movement
had collapsed by 1848, many of the Chartists original demands were eventually
met. Non-landowners could stand for Parliament from 1858; most urban working
class men were given the vote under the Second Reform Act (1867); the Ballot
Act of 1872 allowed voters to cast votes in secret; and the Third Reform
Act (1884) extended the vote to most rural working class men.
In 1832, it is estimated that 435,000 people in Britain had the right to
vote. By 1885, this had risen to 5.6 million. The modern Conservative Party
emerged in the 1830s from the old Tories, and the Liberal Party, a mix of
former Whigs and various radicals, was founded in the 1850s. Socialist Kier
Hardie founded the Independent Labour Party in 1893, which by 1900 had become
the Labour Party. Women were completely excluded from the vote until 1918.
However, through the efforts of the Women’s Co-operative Guild, formed
in 1883, some maternity and other rights were secured. Workers were also
able to turn to the burgeoning trade union movement for support.