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Books on Brunel’s colleagues and contemporaries include the following:

Anthony, John (2003) Joseph Paxton Shire Publications: Bucks

Bailey, Michael R (ed) (2003) Robert Stephenson: the eminent engineer Ashgate: Aldershot

Beaumont, Robert (2002) The Railway King: a biography of George Hudson Headline: London

Blaise, Clark (2000) Sir Stanford Fleming and the Creation of Standard Time Weidenfeld & Nicholson: London

Burton, Anthony (2000) Richard Trevithick Aurum Press: London

Colquhoun, Kate (2003) A Thing in Disguise: the visionary life of Joseph Paxton Fourth Estate: London

Dugan, Sally (2003) Men of Iron: Brunel, Stephenson and the inventions that shaped the modern world Channel Four Books: London

Rolt, L T C (1985 reprint) Thomas Telford Penguin: London

Wilson, R B (ed) Sir Daniel Gooch: memoirs and diary David & Charles: Newton Abbot

The Joseph Paxton Society website is at

The Trevithick Society website is at

The Industrial Revolution

The following books provide information on
engineering and technology during the Industrial Revolution:

Baynes, K and Pugh, F (1981) The Art of the Engineer Lutterworth Press: Guildford

Beckett, D (1980) Brunel’s Britain David & Charles: London

Jarvis, Adrian (2003) The Victorian Engineer Shire Publications Ltd: Bucks

McCullough, David (1972) The Great Bridge: the epic story of the building of the Brooklyn Bridge Simon & Schuster: New York

Peters, Tom F (1996) Building the Nineteenth Century MIT: Boston

Rolt, L T C (1970) Victorian Engineering Penguin: London

Uglow, Jenny (2002) The Lunar Men Faber: London

Weightman, Gavin (2003) What the Industrial Revolution Did For Us BBC Books: London

The BBC History website has a section on industrialisation at

The Ironbridge Gorge Museum website is at

The Cotton Times website provides information on the growth of the Lancashire cotton industry at

Social and political change

Books on the social and political world in which Brunel operated include the following:

Briggs, Asa (1990 reprint) Victorian People Penguin: London

Hobsbawn, Eric (2002 reprint) The Age of Revolution: 1789-1848 Abacus: London

Houghton, Walter E (1957) The Victorian Frame of Mind, 1830-1870 Yale University Press: New Haven

Kitson Clark, G (1962) The Making of Victorian England Methuen & Co Ltd: London

Longmate, Norman (2003 reprint) The Workhouse Pimlico: London

Mackenzie, John M (2001) The Victorian Vision: inventing new Britain V & A Publications: London

Strachey, Lytton (2003 reprint) Eminent Victorians Oxford University Press: Oxford

Wilson, A N (2002) The Victorians Hutchinson: London

Young, G M (2002 reprint) Portrait of an Age Phoenix Press: New York

The following are suitable for children:

Chamberlain, E R (1993 reprint) Everyday Life in Victorian Britain Simon & Schuster: Hemel Hempstead

Kramer, Ann (2003) Eyewitness Victorians Dorling Kindersley: London

Arts and culture

The following books provide an insight into the artistic and cultural life of the period of the Industrial Revolution.

Bailey, Anthony (1997) Turner: standing in the sun Sinclair-Stevenson: London

Bonython, Elizabeth and Anthony Burton (2003) The Great Exhibitor: the life and work of Henry Cole V&A Publications: London

Clark, Kenneth (1969) Civilisation BBC and John Murray: London

Daniels, Stephen (1999) Joseph Wright Tate Gallery Publishing: London

Hilton, Tim (2000 reprint) John Ruskin: the early years Yale University Press: New Haven

Hamilton, James (1998) Turner and the Scientists Tate Gallery Publishing: London

Leapman, Michael (2001) The World for a Shilling: how the great exhibition of 1851 shaped a nation Headline: London

Otis, L (ed) (2002) Literature and Science in the Nineteenth Century: an anthology Oxford University Press: Oxford

Smiles, Samuel (2002 reprint) Self-help Oxford
University Press: Oxford

Staley, Allen and Christopher Newall (2004) Pre-Raphaelite Vision: truth to nature Tate Publishing: London

The Victorian Society is responsible for the study and protection of Victorian and Edwardian architecture and other arts. Its website is at

Tate Britain has a Turner Online website at

The Crystal Palace Foundation is dedicated to preserving the history of the Crystal Palace. Its website is at

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