There are a number of excellent biographies on Brunel that have been referred
to in creating this website. They include:
Bagust, Harold (2006) The Greater Genius? a biography of Marc Isambard
Brunel Ian
Allan Publishing: Hinckley
Beckett, Derrick Brunel’s Britain
(new ed 2006) David & Charles: Newton Abbot
Brunel, I K (1971 reprint) The Life of Isambard
Kingdom Brunel: civil engineer (1870) David & Charles: Newton
Bryan, Tim (1999) Brunel: the great engineer
Ian Allan Ltd: Weybridge
Buchanan, R A (2002) Brunel: the life and times
of Isambard Kingdom Brunel Hambledon and London: London
Buck, Alan (1986) The Little Giant: a life of
I K Brunel David & Charles: Newton Abbot
Jones, Judy (2006) Isambard's Kingdom: Travels
in Brunel's England Sutton Publishing: Stroud
Kelly, A and M Kelly (ed) (2006) Brunel: in love
with impossible Bristol Cultural Development Partnership: Bristol
Kentley, Eric et al (ed) (2000) Isambard Kingdom
Brunel: recent works Design Museum: London
Pudney, J (1974) Brunel and his World
Thames and Hudson: London
Pugsley, Sir Alfred (ed) (1980) The Works of
Isambard Kingdom Brunel Cambridge University Press: Cambridge
Rolt, L T C (1957) Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Longmans: London
Tames, R (2000) Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Shire Publications: Risborough
Vaughan, A (1991) Isambard Kingdom Brunel:
engineering knight-errant John Murray: London
Vaughan, Adrian (2006) Brunel: An Engineering Biography Ian
Allan: Hinckley
Also of interest is:
Falconer, Jonathan (1995) What’s Left of
Brunel? Dial House: Shepperton
Morris, Chris (2005) The Great Brunel Tanners Yard Press: Longhope. See
for details.
The following books are suitable for children:
Byrne, Eugene (author) and Gurr, Simon (illustrator) Isambard
Kingdom Brunel: a graphic biography Bristol Cultural Development
Partnership: Bristol
MacDonald, Fiona (1994) Victorian Engineer
Macmillan Children’s Books: London
Malam, John (2005) Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Evans Brothers Limited: London
Rolt, L T C (1965) The Story of Brunel Methuen:
Smith, Nigel (1997) Brunel and the Victorian
Engineers Wayland Publishers
The BBC History website has a section on historic figures which includes
information about Brunel. Visit it at
Brunel is also included in the BBC Schools Famous People site at
Brunel and his family are buried at Kensal Green Cemetery. The Friends
of Kensal Green organised special tours of the cemetery in 2006. See website
for details.

The Life of Brunel
For the first time ever the life of the most famous
engineer in British history has been captured in this production.
IK Brunel had a grand vision to transport people on an incredible journey
of wonder and discovery.
Including gems such as the Royal Albert Bridge, ss Great Britain, Clifton
Suspension Bridge, the Box Tunnel, Bristol Temple Meads, Swindon Railway
Village & Works, Maidenhead Bridge, Paddington Station and many more.
Packed full of archive images and modern day comparisons,
Narrated by the internationally renowned actor of stage and screen Ian
Order from here.
Resources of particular relevance to the Bristol sites are on the Brunel,
Bristol and the South West: resources and links page of this section. This
includes the Clifton Suspension Bridge, ss Great Western and ss Great Britain,
and the Great Western Railway. Links to Brunel-related sites in the South
West can also be found there.
The Thames Tunnel
Brunel gained early experience working at his father’s Thames Tunnel
project. The following may be of interest to those who wish to learn more
about this venture:
Chrimes, Mike et al (1993) The Triumphant Bore:
a celebration of Marc Brunel’s Thames Tunnel Thomas Telford:
Clements, Paul (1970) Marc Isambard Brunel
Longmans: London
Howie, Will and Mike Chrimes (1987) Thames Tunnel
to Channel Tunnel: 150 years of civil engineering Thomas Telford:
Lampe, David (1963) The Tunnel: the story of the
world’s first tunnel under a navigable river dug beneath the Thames,
1824-42 Harrap: London
Mathewson, Andrew and Derek Laval (1992) Brunel’s
Tunnel... and Where it Led Brunel Exhibition Rotherhithe
The Brunel Museum website at
provides a guide to the Rotherhithe site that was used to keep the Thames
Tunnel free of water.
ss Great Eastern
Books on the ss Great Eastern include:
Cookson, Gillian (2003) The Cable: the wire that
changed the world Tempus Publishing Ltd: Stroud
Dugan, James (1953) The Great Iron Ship
Harper & Brothers: New York
Steele Gordon, John (2002) A Thread Across the
Ocean: the heroic story of the transatlantic cable Simon & Schuster:
You can find out more about the ss Great Eastern at the London Port City
site at
The No. 1 funnel from the Great Eastern was donated to ss Great Britain
in Bristol for display.
Other projects
Brunel designed water towers for the Crystal Palace when it was rebuilt
at Sydenham. The catalogue for the Dulwich Picture Gallery exhibition on
the site includes references to Brunel’s involvement.
Piggott, J R (2004) Palace of the People: the Crystal
Palace at Sydenham 1854-1936 Hurst and Company: London
Brunel designed a prefabricated hospital for use in the Crimean War and
the ss Great Britain carried troops to the conflict from Britain. Books
on the Crimean War include:
Ponting, Clive (2004) The Crimean War: the story
behind the myth Chatto and Windus: London
Warner, Philip (2000) The Crimean War: a
reappraisal Wordsworth Editions Limited: Ware
You can find out more at the Crimean War Research Society website at