This section provides
resources linked to the specific Brunel sites in Bristol. First, the following
provide general information on the history of the city, which may also be
of interest. Most contain references to Brunel:
Aughton, Peter (2000) Bristol: a people’s
history Carnegie Publishing: Lancaster
Brace, K (1971) Portrait of Bristol Robert
Hale: London
Buchanan, Angus and Neil Cossons (1969) The Industrial
Archaeology of the Bristol Region David & Charles: Newton Abbot
Buchanan, R A and Williams, M (2005) Brunel’s
Bristol Bristol: Redcliffe Press
Dresser, Madge and Philip Ollerenshaw (ed) (1996) The
Making of Modern Bristol Redcliffe Press: Bristol
Farr, Graham (1971) Bristol Shipbuilding in the
Nineteenth Century Bristol Branch of the Historical Association
Greenacre, Francis (1973) The Bristol School of
Artists: Francis Danby and painting in Bristol 1810-1840 City Art
Gallery Bristol: Bristol
Greenacre, Francis and Sheena Stoddard (1986) The
Bristol landscape: the watercolours of Samuel Jackson 1794-1869 City
of Bristol Museum and Art Gallery: Bristol
Greenacre, Francis and Sheena Stoddard (1991) W
J Muller 1812-1845 Friends of Bristol Art Gallery: Bristol
Hutton, S (1907) Bristol and its Famous Associations
J W Arrowsmith: Bristol
Kelly, Andrew (2003) Queen Square Bristol
Redcliffe Press Ltd: Bristol
Latimer, J (1883) The Annals of Bristol in the
Eighteenth Century George’s: Bristol
Latimer, J (1887) The Annals of Bristol in the
Nineteenth Century George’s: Bristol
Little, Bryan (1954) The City and County of Bristol:
a study of Atlantic civilisation S R Publishers Ltd: Wakefield
McGrath, P (1975) The Merchant Venturers of Bristol
The Society of Merchant Venturers: Bristol
Ramsey, Keith (2003) The Bristol Coal Industry
Bristol Branch of the Historical Association: Bristol
Sansom, J (1997) Bristol First: city of discovery,
invention and enterprise Redcliffe Press Ltd: Bristol
Stoddard, Sheena (2001) Bristol Before the Camera:
the city in 1820-30 Redcliffe Press Ltd: Bristol
Thompson, D (2000) Walking Words Bristol
Civic Society
The Bristol Ramblers have included a Brunel-themed walk - Brunel's Footsteps
- in Bristol Backs: Discovering Bristol on Foot which can be orderd from
Bristol Backs Distribution, c/o 57 Somerset Road, Knowle, Bristol, BS4 2HT.
The book costs £3 (plus £1.50 for postage. Cheques should be
made out to Bristol Group of the Ramblers Association).
Bristol Docks
Books on the Bristol docks include:
Benbrook, I (1989) Bristol City Docks Redcliffe
Press Ltd: Bristol
King, Andy (2003) The Port of Bristol Tempus:
Lord, John and Jem Southam (1983) The Floating
Harbour: a landscape history of Bristol City Docks Redcliffe Press
Ltd: Bristol
McNeill, Jeremy and Wookey, Ben (1997) Bristol’s
Harbourside: a guide to the city docks Redcliffe Press Ltd: Bristol
The history section of the Underfall Boatyard website at
provides information on the development of the docks.
David Neale and Ross Floyd's illustrated web page on The Bristol City Docks,
The Locks and Brunel's Swivel Bridge is at's%20locks.htm.
Clifton Suspension Bridge
Publications on the Clifton Suspension Bridge include:
Body, Geoffrey (1976) Clifton Suspension Bridge:
an illustrated history Moonraker: Bradford on Avon
Long, C J (1960 reprint) The History of the Clifton
Suspension Bridge Clifton Suspension Bridge Trust: Bristol
McIlwain, John (1996) Clifton Suspension Bridge
Pitkin Guides: Andover
Portman, Derek (2002) ‘A business
history of the Clifton Suspension Bridge’ Construction
History 18: pp 3-20
The website of the Clifton Suspension Bridge Trust is at
Books on the ss Great Western and ss Great Britain include:
Ball, Adrian and Diana Wright (1981) ss Great Britain
David & Charles: Newton Abbot
Corlett, Ewan (1975) The Iron Ship Moonraker
Press: Bradford on Avon
Farr, Grahame (1963) The ss Great Western
Bristol Branch of the Historical Association: Bristol
Fogg, Nicholas (2003) The Voyages of the Great Britain
Chatham: London
Fox, Stephen (2003) The Ocean Railway: Samuel Cunard,
Isambard Kingdom Brunel, and the Revolutionary World of the Great Atlantic
Steamships Harper Collins: London
Gould-Adams, Richard (1976) The Return of the Great
Britain Weidenfeld and Nicolson: London
Griffiths, Denis (1985) Brunel’s Great Western
Patrick Stephens: Wellingborough
Griffiths, Denis et al (1999) Brunel’s Ships
Chatham: London
Hamley, Dennis (1999) The Iron Ship: a tale of
Brunel’s Great Britain Franklin Watts: London (suitable for
KS2 history)
Young, Jean (2003) The World’s First Great
Ocean Liner: a select bibliography of the ss Great Britain 1834-1970
Jean C Young: Portishead
The website of the ss Great Britain is at |

Great Western Railway
Books specifically related to the Great Western Railway include the following:
Audrey, C (1992) Brunel’s Broad Gauge Railway
Haynes Publishing: Yeovil
Bourne, J C (1846) The History and Description
of the Great Western Railway David Bogue
Brindle, Steven (2004) Paddington Station: its
history and architecture English Heritage: Swindon. Paperback edition
published April 2006. See flyer
for details.
Angus (2006) Brunel
in Bath
Holburne Museum of Art: Bath
Cattell, John and Keith Falconer (1995) Swindon:
the legacy of a railway town English Heritage: London
Gren, Andre (2003) The Foundation of Brunel’s
Great Western Railway Silver Link Publishing Ltd
Channon, Geoffrey (1985) Bristol and the Promotion
of the Great Western Railway Bristol Branch of the Historical Association:
Gibson, C (2002) Bristol’s Merchants and the Great Western Railway
Bristol Branch of the Historical Association
Harris, Michael (ed) (1985) Brunel, the GWR and
Bristol Ian Allan: Weybridge
Maggs, C G (1981) Rail Centres: Bristol
Ian Allan Publishing: Shepperton
Meason, George (1852) The Illustrated Guide to
the Great Western Railway Reissued by Berkshire County Library,
Countryside Books, 1983
Nash, Margaret (1998) Mission Underground: the
making of Mr Brunel’s splendid tunnel Macdonald Young Book:
London (this book is suitable for children and refers to the Box Tunnel)
Swift, Andrew (2006) Ringing Grooves of Change –Brunel and the
coming of the railway to Bath Akemann
Press: Bath
Williams, Archibald (1972 reprint) Brunel and
after: the romance of the Great Western Railway Patrick Stephens:
The GWR extended via various subsidiary companies and branchlines down
to Penzance. One of the most significant structures is the Royal Albert
Bridge crossing the Tamar. See:
Binding, John (1997) Brunel’s Royal Albert
Bridge Twelvetrees Press: Truro
for details about the bridge and activities planned for 2006.'
The bibliography included in the regional audit of Brunel assets includes
books on the other railways that ran through the region. A Word version
is available here:
Regional audit bibliography
(Word file)
General books on the development of the railways include the following:
Coleman, Terry (2000 reprint) The Railway Navvies:
a history of the men who made the railways Pimlico: London
Freeman, Michael (1999) Railways and the Victorian
Imagination Yale University Press: New Haven
Jones, Stephen K (2005) Brunel in South Wales Vol 1: in Trevithick’s
tracks Tempus Publishing: Bristol. Vol 2 Communications and Coal
and Vol 3 Links with Leviathans to follow.
Lambert, Anthony J (1984) Nineteenth Century
Railway History Through the Illustrated London News David &
Charles: Newton Abbot
May, Trevor (2003) The Victorian Railway Worker
Shire Publications: Bucks
Perkin, Harold (1971) The Age of Railway
David & Charles: Newton Abbot
Richards, Jeffrey and John M MacKenzie (1986) The
Railway Station: a social history Oxford University Press: Oxford
Simmons, Jack (1991) Railways: an anthology
Collins: London
Simmons, Jack (1991) The Victorian Railway
Thames & Hudson: London
Brunel’s Temple Meads station is now home to the British Empire
and Commonwealth Museum. Visit its website at
The website of the Steam, the museum of the Great Western Railway, is
The museum is located within the historic Swindon Railway Village and
The Museum of Bath at Work has material relating to Bath’s industrial
heritage which was influenced by the arrival of Brunel’s GWR. The
website is at
The Broad Gauge Society, which promotes research into the British broad
gauge system, has its website at
The Great Western Archive website is at
Great Western Study Group, which promotes interest and research into the
Great Western Railway, has its website at
Visit the GWR Presevation Group website at
for details of the group's work in restoring vintage locomotives and stock.
Newton Abbot Town and Great Western Railway Museum has material on the
development of Brunel’s atmospheric railway as well as Brunel’s
water closet. Visit the website at
The Railway Studies Collection in Newton Abbot contains many publications
related to Brunel. The website is at
There is some interesting historical information about Brunel's role in
the building of the West Somerset Railway at
He had the route surveyed and submitted full plans in November 1856, but
did not live to see the line open in 1862. The WSR today carries nearly
200,000 passengers a year. The official website is at
Steam Back to Box is a dedicated group of steam train enthusiasts. See
for details.
Other websites in Bristol and the South West:
You can take a virtual Box Tunnel experience on the website of Farmington
Natural Stone company at
Bristol Record Office contains some Brunel-related material. Details of
the office are at
Somerset Record Office holds a number of records related to Brunel’s
work in the county. Visit
University of Bristol Brunel Collection website,
including inventories of material held is at
Further websites are listed in the South West regional audit available
South West regional audit
(Word file)
Check both the alphabetical list in appendix 3 and the descriptions grouped
by county/unitary authority in the main section.
See the website
of Inner Minds of the South West for details of a new Brunel DVD produced
by the Young Enterprise Company Programme.